January 10, 2024

Diets don’t work – but, you already knew that.


The secret to sustainable weight loss isn’t perfection, or calorie counting.


If you’ve been working to change your lifestyle to lose weight, way to go!


Now, what if I told you that the key to maintaining your success is to master your mindset around healthy eating? Hi, I’m Nutritional Scientist, Allison Tannis – and, I’m here to help you feel your best. Let's discover together what science says is the secret to sustainable weight loss, and how you can maintain your healthy eating resolutions.


How to Keep Your Resolutions: Secrets of Sustainable Weight Loss


1. Switch Your Mindset

You’re already on your way towards your goals. And, there have been, and will be, hurdles along the way. Don’t let hurdles lead to negative thoughts that can get in the way of your goals. 


Remind yourself that it’s okay to enjoy a piece of cake at a birthday party from time to time. Allow yourself to find joy in food! Because the path to sustainable weight loss is not about perfection – and, a positive, healthy mindset can be the secret to everything falling into place. So, if perfection is getting in your way, let it go! Not every day will be perfect on your weight loss journey.

Come on!

Join me.

Make the mindset switch from perfection to consistency - because, it’s the secret to sustainable weight loss.


2. Focus on Small Changes

Scientific studies have proven that diets don’t work. Strict diets are hard – you can’t stick with them forever. In fact, studies show diets just leave you feeling frustrated, hungry and like YOU are a failure.

But, you’re not the problem – the diet is! 

Instead of dieting, focus on a smaller healthy eating habits you can stick with. Why? Because science says consistency is the secret to sustainable weight loss.


5 Small Sustainable Weight Loss Habits You Can Stick With

Choose yours! It might be a healthy eating habit you've read about in my blogs.


3. Manage Stress 

When you allow yourself a moment each day to build your resilience, you can bounce back stronger from any hurdle that comes along. The secret is to choose a method that works for you, whether it’s...

  • Meditation
  • Journaling
  • Breath work
  • Nourishment
  • Movement
  • Sleep

You have the power to reduce the impact stress has on your body! Less stress means a healthier, more resilient you.

And, that version of you is capable of great things!


Sustainable Weight Loss: Finding Healthy Habits You Can Keep

This is your opportunity to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Here, in a supportive, positive community, I've got the resources you need to succeed. Find answers in the blogs, or reach out - I'm here to help!

And, remember there’s no one-size-fits all healthy lifestyle. Find the foods and types of movements that bring you joy!

Believe in yourself.

You’ve got what it takes to succeed!


When life throws you off course, remember to focus on how far you’ve come – it’s all about progress, not perfection.

Steer yourself back on course.

Keep going!


You ARE capable of incredible things!


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